You’re So Cupid
Posted in Current Releases, February 2011, PG, Romance, Worldwide on January 7th, 2011

A pair of fraternal twin sisters with a flair for matchmaking fall attempt to use their talents to save their parents’ crumbling marriage. Growing up, Emma and Lilly were always polar opposites. But still the sisters were inseparable, and always up for offering romantic advice. Later, in high school, Emma and Lilly fall in love with the same guy, and realize their father is the genuine Cupid who has been bringing happy couples together for centuries. But just as the competition to win the affections of their mutual heartthrob heats up, the sisters realize that their parents are growing apart. Now, in order to keep their family together, Emma and Lilly realize they will have to put aside their own problems for the moment, and focus on helping their parents remember why they fell in love in the first place.